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words will flow

writing workshops & retreats

Every person is a writer. Every single person has a story to tell. A story to write. 
words will flow writing workshops provide a creative and nurturing environment in which to learn, experiment, and develop your craft. Our inclusive and effective process for generative writing is designed to bring out the best in every writer so that words will liberally flow from your pen.

For now, I've temporarily suspended group workshops to focus on finishing my next book. You're welcome, however, to request a one-on-one fiction workshop, a short story boot camp or manuscript review. I also facilitate family reunion storytelling workshops and made-to-measure workshops for specialty groups.

See what others are saying about these workshops, or sign up for my free flow newsletter below.

about me


Everyone is, indeed, a writer. I just happened to make a living at it. Starting out as a copywriter at a New York City advertising agency, I eventually reached the role of Executive Creative Director. I've mentored and worked alongside teams of writers and art directors as we created print campaigns, websites, Facebook apps, radio and TV spots and more. These days,  I telecommute remotely from Sedona, Arizona, and am also trained and certified as a facilitator in the Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA) method.   read more

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jo thompson, workshop leader

workshop raves

Aurelie, Brooklyn, NY

My goal for 2020 was to go back to writing. In this words will flow introduction workshop, Johanna created the conditions to free my creativity and self-confidence while having lots of fun.

Very grateful.

Jeannie, Santa Fe, NM

I truly loved the workshop and felt an immediate connection with the other participants from the very first writing prompt. Thank you for walking us through a morning of enjoyable writing, inspiring listening, and thoughtful responses. What a nice way to begin the week!

Lora, Sedona, AZ


I was surprised at how many inner stories came bubbling to the surface. Jo's choice of prompts and the diversity of writing styles presented was especially a treat. I enjoyed our time in the sunday stories workshop very much and look forward to taking some your workshops in the future!

©2024 words will flow. all rights reserved.

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